Monday, April 27, 2009

Fruehlingsfest in Stuttgart

Just a short one this week. I met some coworkers from the Frankfurt and Stuttgart offices in Stuttgart on Saturday for Fruehlingsfest (Spring Festival). Really, it was nothing more than a good excuse to wear lederhosen and enjoy a few cold beers on a 75 degree sunny day.

Tulips in a park in Stuttgart. (after I got home, I realized I should have taken more pictures, but didn't think about it at the time.)

Brian and me.

Most of the crew. From left to right: Alissa, Brian, Jo, Charles, Shaun, Tim, me, and Kate (and Shaun and Kate's baby Morgan).
View of the festival at night. The beer tent we were in is the big building in the bottom right corner. And no, I didn't ride any of the carnival rides. I'm not sure who thinks that is a good idea after a few beers anyway!